Didobi to co-fund University College London (UCL) PhD studentship (3 years) on Real-Time Geodemorgraphics for Business and Service Planning

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has awarded UCL and Didobi a co-funded doctoral studentship following their application earlier this year. ESRC Co-funded and Collaborative Studentships are doctoral projects which are jointly and collaboratively run by both academic and non-academic organisations.

The research will develop frequently updateable classifications of neighbourhood and workplace function. These classifications will be used to understand the fast-changing structure and functioning of society following the COVID-19 pandemic. The work will both link new data sources to more conventional geodemographic classifications and develop methods for frequently updating them.

Professor Paul Longley of UCL said “This is an exciting opportunity to research and evaluate the deployment of new data sources to a range of issues in quantitative urban geography and we are grateful for the financial and industry expertise that Didobi brings.”

Matthew Hopkinson, Managing Director of Didobi, said “Supporting high quality academic research into real world problems is critical if we are to better understand and manage the changing form and function of our towns and cities. It is a privilege for Didobi to be partnered with UCL, a world class university, in the delivery of this doctoral research.”

The work will be supervised by Professor Paul Longley and Dr Justin van Dijk and supported by Matthew Hopkinson from Didobi.

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